We’re all going on a summer holiday… diary of a #frenchwinetrip
May 24, 2013
Saturday 1st June Day 8, homeward bound. After an enlightening, exhausting and thoroughly enjoyable 10 days on the road, the trip has come to an end. Here’s a two minute video I made to sum it up. Again, it’s all done in one take with no editing, so excuse the sketchy delivery! Matt Walls - #Frenchwinetrip - Day 8 from Frenchwinetrip on Vimeo. Friday 31st May Day 7, Burgundy: Force of…
The Wine Snob: an endangered species?
May 14, 2013
The snob may look just like you and me, but it is parasite in disguise. It leaves its victim poisoned. When the snob discovered wine, like a facehugger, it pounced. But now the snob…